Zero-waste products do not contain chemical substances that harm health and the environment. When we refer to zero waste products, we are not just referring to the finished products being environmentally friendly but also to having environmentally friendly manufacturing processes for products that are produced.
We must ask our politicians to switch over to HEMP PLASTIC. The Dupont family’s plastic monopoly has to end.
Slat, who at age 18 founded a nonprofit known as The Ocean Cleanup, first centered his efforts on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, an area twice the size of the state of Texas that stands as the world’s largest concentration of plastic pollution. Now he has turned his attention to the world’s rivers, the source of much of the plastic that finds its way to the oceans.
His weapons of choice are robotics––starting with a 2,000-foot-long unmanned floating barrier given the name Wilson. While the U-shaped apparatus failed on its initial foray toward the Garbage Patch, splitting in two late in 2018, an overhauled version of the same structure was launched in June 2019. It succeeded in bringing home some 60 bags of trash, which were recycled and sold as sunglasses beginning in October 2020. The proceeds will be used to fund subsequent cleanup efforts.
Depleted uranium is a byproduct of the enrichment process used to produce fuel for nuclear reactors and weapons. It is much less radioactive than natural uranium and is primarily used in armor-piercing ammunition and armor plating for military vehicles. However, there are concerns about the health and environmental effects of depleted uranium, as it can pose risks of radiation exposure and contamination if not handled properly.
We have the tools to cleanup the mess, only if Politicians would acknowledge the problem exists.